Posted 15th January 2019
In view of the increasing number of vaccines and vaccine mandates for children, a group of scientists have begun testing them for their chemical composition and safety. They found that the 6 in 1 vaccine Infanrix Hexa does not contain any antigens (so cannot ‘immunise’) and is full of contaminants. They found:
In Infanrix Hexa we found
- chemical contamination from the manufacturing process or cross-contamination with other manufacturing lines;
- chemical toxins;
- bacterial peptide toxins;
- insoluble and indigestible macromolecule that reacts to the protein assay, but cannot be recognized by any protein databases.
We have not found:
- Protein antigens of diphtheria toxoids, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, haemophylus influenzae B, Poliomyelitis 1-2-3;
- Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, phenoxyethanol, antibiotic residues indicated in the composition;
- Source: Corvelva, Initial Results on Infanrix Hexa Chemical Composition,