Home Education Photo Diary
HomeHome Education Photo Diary
Home Education Photo Diary
Socialising With Other Children At Gym Class

Playing Hoop

Charlie the PE teacher with the children

Snoozing in the toddler garden

Playing in the garden

Visit to a re-construction of a Victorian school

With her baby brother at a museum

Christmas party with state educated children

The Advent tree we made instead of having a shop bought advent calendar

Making holly wreath’s at a home educated children’s Christmas party

A visit to Santa’s reindeers

Doing Christmas craft activities

Group Dancing Session

Practising handwriting and reading

Making chocolate lollipops for Valentine’s

Chocolate lollipop moulds

Making Easter Decorations

Alicia with the VAN UK mascot, standing outside her English class

Yanny crawling around while his sister is in class

At an educational trip to Nottingham Castle

With a May Day Flower Headband she made at Girl’s Club

Yanny playing with wooden toys at Steiner baby group

Alicia and a stuffed fox at Elvaston Castle

With a friend in the wildlife house

Jacinta with a home made cracker

Alicia with a home made paper kite

Alicia planting pot Marigold

Lucia planting pot Marigold

Alicia posing for an article about rag dolls, for The Mother magazine

Playing football in the park

Yanny in the swing

At a pagan baby blessing

Alicia being flower girl at her brother’s blessing

Group drumming session

Alicia at the drumming party

Vegan birthday cake – Alicia requested carrot cake

Her 6th birthday party for home educated children

Making a puppet

With her puppet

Alicia helping me with a stall and selling The Mother magazine

Lily and Yanny colouring rainforest pictures at the rainforest cafe, London

Pretend Monkey At The Rainforest Cafe

Pretend Elephant At The Rainforest Cafe

Tropical Fish Tank (real) at Rainforest Cafe

Myself and Alicia with Lorraine Kelly on a GMTV programme about breast feeding

View of Big Ben from the car

View of London from the breakfast table

View of the London Eye from our breakfast table

Alicia, Lily and myself with a doorman at the Marriot, County Hall Hotel, Westminster

Yanny crawling in an English country garden

Alicia in an English country garden in Norfolk

Alicia in a tree house

In the children’s playground

Riding on the carousel

An old train carriage

A steam train

With an old car

Outside replica old fashioned toy store

By an old cart

Inside a replica of an office from the war

Alicia with the old banger from ‘Only Fools and Horses’

Myself by the bus from ‘Only Fools And Horses’

Looking at a model engine

‘Driving’ a 1924 steam roller

An original 1876 sign from a railway station

Andy showing Alicia a new Apple Mac computer suite

Giants at Derby Arts Festival

The children making harvest festival decorations

Doing Math

A ‘Fletcher’ at Bosworth Battlefield, giving a history lesson

Learning to position 1400’s weapons correctly

Jerrica with Yanny on Bosworth Battlefield

Andy and the children in a demonstration of 1400’s weapons

Alicia on Bosworth Battlefield

The children learning about different historical items in a history lesson

Jerrica and Yanny playing in history lesson

Alicia with ‘soldiers’

A Suit of Armour

A pair of 1450’s child’s shoes

Jacinta looking at historical evidence through a microscope

A children’s steam train in Wales

Andy and Alicia canoeing – (friends blanked to perserve identity)

Jacinta canoeing in Wales

Camping for home educating families

Alicia on the beach in Wales

Making Halloween Treat Bags

Baking Halloween Cup Cakes

Organic Spider Web Cake – unfortunately we didn’t bake this one but we did have fun eating it!

Halloween Scratch Art Fridge Magnets

Demonstrating Precipitation In A Home Science Experiment. The Photo Is Rubbish But We Were Making Rain Fall (It Worked!)

A Christmas Robin That Alicia Made

Painting A Nativity Set

Hand Painted Nativity Figures

Alicia making an advent calendar by the Christmas tree

Advent Calendar

Making Christmas Paper Chains To Decorate The House

Seeing the fluffy bunny rabbits

Alicia in her uniform for Stagecoach Acting School

Making raisin cookies

Paper Craft

Making Easter Cards

Decorating Eggs

Making Sequin Eggs – this took hours!!

Our Easter Tree


A hand made fish – it used to be decorated but the decorations fell off

Making Sock Dolls

With Sock Doll

‘Dad’ Fathers Day Cards We Made

Revising Telling The Time

In a King Henry the Eighth Play

Jerrica and Lucia doing math

Jerrica listening to a virtual math teacher on DVD

Alicia with ‘Grow your own sunflowers’

Alicia and Yanny planting sunflowers

Alicia reading in the library

Making sun catchers

Looking at skulls of foxes

Giant Fairies at Robin Hood Festival 2009, Sherwood Forest – and at bottom, Alicia and Yanny running in Sherwood Forest