Homeopathic Nosodes

What Homeopathic Nosodes are Available?

Nosodes are available for all the diseases vaccinated against, eg, here are a few:


Diphterinum 30: once a week during risk of infection.


Clostridium Tetani 30: once a week during high risk activities (eg, trekking, mountaineering). Twice a week following a dirty wound or animal bite.


Pertussin 30: once a week during an epidemic or 3 times per week if the child is in contact with the disease.


Poliomyelitis 30: once a week for 3 weeks in an epidemic or if in contact with the disease.


Meningococcus 30: one dose in the morning, 3 times a week for 2 weeks, if in any contact with the disease. (Note there are other nosodes for HiB etc).
If your child shows any symptoms of Meningitis (eg, extreme persistent headaches, dizziness, sensitivity to light, drowsiness, rash that doesn’t go away when pressed with a glass), IT IS VITAL TO GET MEDICAL HELP IMMEDIATELY – while waiting for hospital test results or ambulance, you can give Belladonna 30, which is an anti-inflammatory and also reduces fever.


Morbillinum 30: Only give this to your child if s/he is weak, as in healthy children it is better to let them contract measles, as it can help protect against asthma, hayfever, food allergies etc, and also protect against auto-immune diseases, by priming the child’s immune system. This remedy could also be used if the measles lasts a long time.


It is better to allow your child to contract Mumps, but adult males who didn’t get it as a child may be given Paroidinum 30, two doses over a fortnight.


Rubella 30: May be given to pregnant women who come into contact with the disease.


Cholera 30: once a week prior to travel.


Malaria 30: once a week in high risk areas. Continue for 1 month after leaving the area.


Salmonella typhi 30: once a week when travelling.

Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever 30: once a week whilst travelling. 3 times a week during an epidemic.

Hepatitis A and B

Hepatitis A 30: once a week in high risk areas.

Hepatitis B 30: 3 doses, 12 days apart,
following risky incident (eg, illegal drugs injection, casual sex, birth in Hep B positive mother).

Influenza (Flu)

Influenzinum 30: 3 times per week during epidemic.

Studies Showing Efficacy of Homeopathy Preventing Disease

Two studies were done to evaluate the immunological response to homeopathic doses of oral BCG antigen.
Rabbits were given homeopathic dilutions ranging from 1c to 30c in their drinking water for a month, and they had positive antibody responses, compared with negative controls.
In the second test, cell mediated immunity was evaluated. A tuberculin test was used to measure type 3 hypersensitivity reactions. Again, the results were positive when measured after 24 and 48 hours. The tuberculin reaction after oral administration of 30c Mycobacterium bovis were comparable to the one obtained after conventional inoculation (which was the negative control). (2).

In 1902, during a smallpox epidemic in Iowa, Dr. Eaton reported that 2806 patients were treated with Variolinum. Of the 547 patients who were definitely exposed, only 14 developed the disease. Overall protection rate was 97%.24 In 1958, during an influenza epidemic in Great Britain, 1100 workers were given prophylaxis and 500 workers were given no treatment. There was no statistical difference in the attack rates between the groups. And in 1974, during a meningococcus outbreak in Brazil, 18,640 patients were given Meningococcinum prophylaxis while 6,430 received no treatment. The treatment group reported 4 cases to 32 cases in the no treatment group (23 times more effective than no treatment). (3, 4, 6).

Additionally, some evidence has been collected during controlled studies in the lab. In 1932, Chavanon published that 45 children had changed from Schick test positive to Schick test negative (demonstrating antibody to diphtheria) after being treated with Diptherinum. Patterson and Boyd repeated this test in 1941, and 20 of 33 children treated converted to Schick test negative. Roux again repeated the study in 1946 with similar results. (5).

Much more recently in Brazil in 1998 there was a meningitis outbreak and since they didn’t have a meningitis vaccine at that time and many Brazilian doctors are also homeopaths they used meningococcal nosode to immunize 65,826 children.  They also left 23,539 children without nosodes as a placebo group.  The homeopathic medical doctors then followed up both groups of children for one year.  They found the efficacy rate for preventing meningitis was 95% in the first 6 months after taking the nosode and 91% after one year. (7).

In a Leptospirosis epidemic in Cuba in 2007, 2.3 million people were given a diluted homeopathic version of the disease (a nosode) to try to prevent them getting the disease.  The results were:

‘After the homeoprophylactic intervention a significant decrease of the disease incidence was observed in the intervention regions. No such modifications were observed in non-intervention regions. In the intervention region the incidence of Leptospirosis fell below the historic median. This observation was independent of rainfall.’

They concluded:

‘The homeoprophylactic approach was associated with a large reduction of disease incidence and control of the epidemic. The results suggest the use of HP as a feasible tool for epidemic control, further research is warranted.’ (8).

Homeopathic nosodes have also been used in animal tests.  Mice have been infected with a fatal dose of F tularensis and then they were monitored to see how many died and how long it took them to die.  Of 15 trials, 13 showed that mice given a nosode lived longer and the nosode groups had a decreased mortality compared with mice who were not given nosodes.  Protection rates elicited by nosodes were 22%.

The paper concluded:

‘This study found partial protection from a nosode of tularemia in dilutions below those expected to have protective effects, but not as great as those produced by standard vaccination. If homeopathic nosodes can induce protection from infectious agents for which vaccination is currently unavailable, they may provide an interim method of reducing morbidity or mortality from such agents.’ (9).


1. A Handbook of Homeopathic Alternatives to Immunisation – Susan Curtis, Winter Press, 1994.
2. Evidence for Homeopathic Vaccination? British Homeopathic Journal (1999), 98, 86-92.
3. The National Center for Homeopathy,
4. Chavanon, P. La Dipterie, 4th edition. St. Denis, Niort: Imprimerie 1932.
5. Patterson, J and Boyd WE. “Potency Action: A Preliminary Study of the Alteration of the Schick Test by a Homeopathic Potency.” British Homeopathic Journal 1941; 31: 301-309.
6. Eizayaga, F. “Tratamiento Homeopatico de las Enfermedades Agudas y Su Prevension.” Homeopatia 1985; 51(342): 352-362.
7. Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G (2001) Meningococcinum: Its protective effect against meningococcal disease. Homoeopathic Links Winter Vol 14(4); pp. 230-4).
8. Homeopathy. 2010 Jul;99(3):156-66 –
9. Altern Ther Health Med. 1999 Sep;5(5):36-40 –

What are the Advantages to Homeopathic Vaccination?

The advantages against conventional vaccination are:

The procedure is not painful to the child.

The procedure will not result in doctor phobia (some 10% of adults are phobic of doctors and may avoid treatments due to painful injection experiences as children).

The nosodes do not contain mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, triton X 100 (spermicide) or any other of the noxious ingredients present in vaccines.

There are no cases of shock, seizures or death as a result of nosodes.  Medical literature lists all of these as a consequence of conventional vaccination.

There is no negative environmental impact from the use of nosodes (eg, no kerosene fired vaccine fridges, no open pit burning of used needles, no cyanide leakages from vaccine factories etc).

Homeopathic nosodes have been shown by various case histories to ease vaccination side-effects.

Homeopathic nosodes have been shown to protect from disease with efficacy rates ranging from 22%-95%.

What are the Disadvantages to Homeopathic Vaccination?

They are given to a child with no illness (i.e. there is no medical reason for an intervention).

The medical science on the subject is limited.

Sometimes it is beneficial to get childhood diseases as they confer lifelong immunity that can be passed to infants and they lower the risk of certain allergies and cancer.

Case Studies of Using Homeopathic Nosodes to Detox from Vaccine Injury

Feb 18th 1999 : A baby male named Steve vaccinated at three months old with the standard childhood vaccines all kids get in the USA (Polio/Meningitis/Hep/Dtap (another form of DPT).


First few days he was extremely irritable, crying non-stop, projectile vomiting, refuses breast milk, cannot sleep and up all night. Whining round the clock.

Feb 24th 1999 – Convulsions- right side, started in the a.m. Eye area and eyebrow twitching like a tick; right arm, elbow pulling simultaneously with the face twitching, right hand fist contractions also same timing as face ticks, non- stop all day.
He was taken to Tarzana Emergency Hospital (US) that same afternoon. Urine test /blood test and a then a CAT Scan of his brain. The latter revealed blood on the left side in his brain, 3 centimeters, the size of a golf ball.
Tarzana Regional Medical Center Diagnosis: Seizure disorder and intra-cranial hemorrhage. He had to be transported to a special pediatric intensive care ward across town: Hollywood Children’s Hospital.
Feb 25th 1999 : The baby had more tests done, including MRI, which showed the detail of the blood mass in his brain. Still having seizures. Brain surgery was strongly recommended by doctors at both hospitals.
Feb 25th 1999 3pm : I had the permission of both parents to use homeopathy on their baby prior to surgery. Homeopathic remedy used: Silica 200C, 1 dose orally slipped under his tongue.
Repertory Analysis:

projectile vomiting worse after breast feeding- sil
refuses mother’s milk- sil
convulsions due to vaccines- sil

Not much to go on as the baby was so young. Symptoms were strong and very acute. Onset was obviously related to vaccination, as the baby was not having these symptoms prior to his shots. Also, many of the symptoms are classic reactions to vaccination. Never been well since, fits in this case.
More observations about this baby which were used to select the indicated remedy:
Feet and hands freezing cold, very irritable, nothing made the symptoms any better, head sweating, extreme dislike of mother’s milk, but can tolerate bottle milk, a bizarre blank stare on his face, vomiting, arching his back, kicking. As if he were two different persons switching on and off constantly (sycotic miasm), sleepless, crying round the clock. The baby developed a fever of 102 F after the vaccination.

Immediately after the homeopathic remedy was administered this baby fell into a very deep sleep. Slept for 20 minutes without seizures. Prior to remedy mostly no sleep and when he did take a short catnap, he had seizures. After the baby woke up, it had no more seizures! They had stopped 100% and his body was calm and relaxed. No more of the intense arching from before. No more twitching, no more arm jerking. Passed green fecal matter.

Feb 26th 1999 (the next day)
The baby was showing signs of coming back to life. Breast feeding again with no problems; no vomiting; hungry, appetite is back; smiling, reacting, happy expression, no more blank stare. No more irritability, crankiness. A happy baby like he was before his vaccines.

More tests and CAT scan were done, confirming all was well with this baby. He’s 100% cured.
March 9th 1999 : Excellent recovery, his normal personality back, sleeping very well, calm, appears happy. No more seizures .
Thank goodness no surgery was done, since none was needed. Homeopathy proves once again its ability to cure.

2008 : Still no seizures. The little boy has been on homeopathy for all his other acutes: colds, flu,sore throat etc. “Constitutional” prescribing finalized his progress.

Case notes from Gina Tyler, a homeopath.

A 9 Year Old Boy

My son received his first vaccination when he was 9. I didn’t bring him to be vaccinated earlier, because I’ve always had my doubts about the efficacy of immunization and its safety, especially since I suspect there´s a form of autism in my family. Nevertheless I took him to have his belated DTP (diphteria, tetanus, polio) jabs, because he played outside a lot and I was afraid he might come in contact with tetanus. Over a period of 9 months he had three shots. He seemed okay at first, but then he started to develop lactose intolerance. We started to eliminate dairy products, which seemed to help temporarily. Then he developed new intestinal problems, which were pinned on a parasite called Dientamoeba fragilis. He had severe diarrhea, was lethargic, pale, dizzy, was often home sick and was just not his usual, cheery self. He was treated and his health seemed to improve for a while. Until the same problems reoccurred. Fed up with it and wanting my son to get his health and life back, I took him to see a homeopath because I suspected the root of his problems might lie with the vaccinations. He was treated successfully treated and within a few months my boy no longer had to stay home from school, has a healthy complexion, and is full of energy and life again. Looking back, I wish I had listened to my instincts and not vaccinated him at all. Still, I´m glad I never gave him the HIB , pertussis, and MMR vaccine. He would also have qualified for the BCG vaccine, since his father is Indonesian. Which, incidentally, my youngest daughter did have. Her scar remained raised (and maybe slightly infected) instead of turning into the typical crater-like scar. Since she had a plethora of non-vaccination related health issues, I took her to the homeopaths as well. The first thing she was treated for was the BCG shot. The scar healed and subsequently her other problems were successfully treated.

By Mrs J,

Pertussin 30—Preventive for whooping cough?

The primary purpose of this study was to be a pilot for a further, larger study to determine whether the homœopathic preparation Pertussin 30c was effective in preventing whooping cough. It was recognized that neither the numbers involved, nor the method followed would of themselves be sufficient to prove efficacy, but it was hoped that a positive result would permit the conclusion to be drawn that a further study would be in the public interest.

694 valid replies from 1100 questionnaires sent to the parents of children who had had Pertussin 30 were compared with Hillingdon District’s notified figures. Hillingdon FPC provided evidence of a wide degree of variability in the notification rates of pertussis. When there were taken into account the result suggested a degree of activity for Pertissin in excess of 50%. Although the assumptions are reasonable in themselves, no claim can be made to have demonstrated the effect of Pertussin in a statistially valid way. It is reasonable, however, to conclude that there is a good technical case for further investigation to be undertake, although with rising immunization rates it may not be justified in terms of reward for its cost. The trial has helped to define a possible method for doing this, which is described.


The use of homeopathy to prevent symptoms of human flu and acute respiratory infections: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with 600 children from Brazilian public health service

Hepatitis C Nosode Kills Liver Cancer Cells

A homeopathic nosode, Hepatitis C 30 demonstrates anticancer effect against liver cancer cells in vitro by modulating telomerase and topoisomerase II activities as also by promoting apoptosis via intrinsic mitochondrial pathway.



Homeopathic nosodes have seldom been scientifically validated for their anticancer effects. This study was conducted to examine if a recently developed hepatitis C nosode has demonstrable anticancer potential in cancer cells in vitro.


Anticancer effects of Hepatitis C 30C (Hep C 30), if any, were initially tested on three cancer cell lines, HepG2 (liver cancer), MCF-7 (breast cancer) and A549 (lung cancer) and one normal liver cell line WRL-68 cells and subsequently a more thorough study using further scientific protocols was undertaken on HepG2 cells (against WRL-68 cells as the normal control) as HepG2 cells showed better anticancer response than the other two. Three doses, one at 50% lethal dose (LD50) and the other two below LD50, were used on HepG2 cells subsequently. Protocols like apoptosis induction and its possible signaling mechanism were deployed using immunoblots of relevant signal proteins and confocal microscopy, with particular reference to telomerase and topoisomerase II (Top II) activities, two strong cancer biomarkers for their direct relationship with divisional activities of cells and DNAs.


Hep C 30 induced apoptosis, caused distorted cell morphology typical of apoptotic cells, increased reactive oxygen species generation and produced increased DNA nicks. Further it enhanced pro-apototic signal proteins like Bax, cytochrome c and inhibited anti-apoptotic signal proteins, Bcl-2, cytochrome c and caspase-3, changed mitochondrial membrane potential and caused externalization of phosphatidylserine. The drug also decreased expression of two cancer biomarkers, Top II and telomerase, consistent with its anticancer effect.


Hep C 30 has demonstrable anticancer effects against liver cancer cells in vitro.

Source: J Integr Med. 2016 May;14(3):209-18. doi: 10.1016/S2095-4964(16)60251-0.

A Homeopathic Combination Preparation in the Treatment of Feverish Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: An International Randomized Controlled Trial.



Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are very common and associated with considerable healthcare costs. We evaluated the clinical benefit of a homeopathic add-on therapy.


In this randomized controlled multinational clinical trial, patients (age range 1-65 years) with feverish URTI received either on-demand symptomatic standard treatment (ST group: paracetamol, ambroxol, and/or oxymetazoline), or homeopathic medication (IFC group: Influcid®) for 7 days plus the same on-demand standard treatment. URTI symptoms were assessed using the Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey-21. Response at day 4, defined as absence of fever and absence or very mild degree of URTI symptoms, was the primary outcome measure.


523 patients (265 IFC group, 258 ST group) were randomized in 12 Ukrainian and 10 German centers. The responder rate on day 4 was 15.4% in the IFC group and 6.7% in the ST group (x0394;IFC-ST = 8.7%, 95% confidence interval 2.9-14.5%). The IFC group used less symptomatic medication, and symptoms were alleviated 1-2 days earlier. 3 and 8 adverse events (AEs) in the IFC and ST group, respectively, were assessed as possibly treatment-related; 2 out of the 3 AEs in the IFC group were possibly related to symptomatic therapy, 1 (vomiting) to IFC treatment.


The homeopathic treatment shortened URTI duration, reduced the use of symptomatic medication, and was well tolerated.

Source: Forsch Komplementmed. 2015;22(3):163-70. doi: 10.1159/000430762. Epub 2015 May 12.


  • Eileen Ruiz Posted 25th January 2019 3:34 pm

    Where in area can I get for meningitis preventive for my 16 yr old son and my 11 yr old son

    • Joanna Karpasea Posted 17th March 2019 9:35 pm

      Please visit They can give you information about homeopaths in your area, if you are in the UK. Most qualified homeopaths can provide nosodes.

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