Rubella Vaccine Info From British National Formulary 1985 edition, by the British Medical Association

From page 387:

The introduction of a vaccine to protect a fetus as not yet conceived was a totally new idea. Rubella as a childhood disease is of little moment, but rubella infection in a pregnant woman greatly increases the risks of congenital malformation.

Rubella vaccines are prepared in tissue culture oils of rabbit kidney or duck embryo or human diploid cell lines (aborted human fetal tissue).

VAN UK’S Comment: That makes sense, giving a vaccine to protect an unborn baby using the body parts of an aborted unborn baby.

In the long term it is hoped that the routine immunisation of school girls will produce an immune adult female population but in order to prevent congenital abnormalities due to rubella it may require 100% acceptance of the vaccine and this has rarely been achieved with other vaccines.

Acceptance of the vaccine might be greater among schoolgirl’s if the effort was concentrated among 10 year olds, but even so, with a high acceptance rate, the efficacy of this programme will not be evident until the end of the centuary.

VAN UK’S Comment: So they basically didn’t know if vaccinating against rubella would work and the whole school girl campaign was an experiment. They have indeed now stopped vaccinating 11 year old girls because it didn’t work.

At the same time, the damage which is being done by rubella must be kept in perspective, FOR IT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PERHAPS ONLY ABOUT 1% OF ALL CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES.

VAN UK’S Comment: So not as serious as they hype, then.

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